Monday, September 13, 2010

jobful and blogging!

what's the opposite of jobless? dunno. but i got a job! i had new employee orientation this morning for leander isd, and tomorrow and wednesday i'm attending faculty meetings at my new school so the principal can introduce me to everyone. then i'll sit in on classes friday and start teaching monday! i'll have a science lab to teach 7th grade science and math out of. i went to "teacher heaven: not just for teachers" on saturday and found alllll kinds of fun things for science and math, including models of a frog and shark that show all their insides! $25 each! holy cow! by the way, i think the teacher heaven IS just for teachers, because evan was pretty bored (minus the time in the musical instrument section).

anyway, the vangsni are starting BSF tonight - looking forward to it. i've been wanting some structure and accountability for what the baptists call 'quiet time' :) <--- i can say that since i grew up baptist, right?? friends from our small group are leaders in BSF, so we may get to car pool with them - woohoo! hooray for weekly times of mandatory hang outs! for instance, we've been getting to see leighton (ev's cousin) and mandy every wednesday since they're in our small group now - love it love it.

all in all, life got pretty awesomer since we joined a small group with the stone ( everyone should do it!

Monday, September 6, 2010

funniest thing we've done in a long time

oh, labor day. so many things we set out to accomplish on this day. one of them was to screw the scrabble tiles my mom made onto long boards so evan could mount them on the wall behind our couch. evan laid out the "VANGSNES" tiles on the carpet, and i was instructed to flip them over so he could screw the board on the back of them. here's what happened:

 success! 12 points!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

i painted three ants today

i finally finished our wedding canvases. as i was painting on the floor, i felt a sting/bite on my foot. a few seconds later the culprit crawled by my paint plate! a blackish-brown ant. i picked him up with my sticky paintbrush and brushed him on my plate, then brushed a big black paint blob on him. he was a fighter, but he didn't make it. i found two others and they joined antie no. 1 in acrylicville.

as you may guess, i don't feel badly at all about the fate of these ants. after suggestions from a friend, i may trap more of them later and paint them in different colors and have them walk around a blank piece of paper.

and yesterday, i made these earbobs:
 i don't usually wear earrings, so if anybody needs these just holla.

husby's home!